Friday, January 3, 2014

Been too busy

Felt too anxious on Tuesday for some reason. Didn't eat much throughout the day. Had to work new years eve at the vu.

Wednesday, had the day off, practiced kata didn't do much else. Thursday worked all day. Woke up at 6pm today after working all last night and this morning. Got a good amount of rest. Went down to the boxing club realizing no one was there. Practiced all of my strikes. Did some good PNF stretching. Probably a bad thing considering I need to workout again today. Need to make a more normal schedule. Thinking quitting the vu (night club) is going to be a must. Quitting isn't something I like to do though.

I NEED to prioritize eating healthy and on a schedule. I'm going to pre-plan my meals on Sunday.

I feel very frustrated that I blew my chance to lift on Wednesday. that 2x bw squat is a must...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Updated Goals

Novice Skill goals
Distance work for striking. Learning proper footwork
BJJ strategies need to come in full affect for guard passes.


Thoracic mobility drills, shoulder mobility drills, and hip mobility

Before bed: Kata, Repeat mobility drills

 Current Strength workout

Warm-up: Weighted Foam Roll, Jump Rope, Mobility drills

Workout A
Squat 5 sets of at least 8. Starting weight 245lbs Emphasis on form. Proceed to 3 sets of 5
Cable Rows starting weight 70lbs 4 sets of 15 - 3 sets of 8, emphasis on ROM
Ab Roll out 4 sets of 8- AMRAP
Seated power Cleans with 15 lb dumbbells 4 sets of 15 - 4 sets of 8
YTWL exercises two sets of 20 each unweighted. ROM emphasis

Workout B
Squats Same as workout A for now
Dips unweighted 4 sets of 20 with 2-3 minutes of rest. Than progress to weighted dips once form is nailed down. Thinking of depressing scapula and elevating while on eccentric and concentric phases.
Dead-lifts 1 Set of 15 than one set of 20. Emphasis on straight back and forearms. Proceed to 1 set of 5 at workset than one set of 10 for forearms.
Reverse Flyes
YTWL unweigthed than move on to weighted.

This might last for a month and a half and then I'll go back to SS

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Dear Diary...

For any potential readers this is now a reformat of my training journal in order for me to keep track of progress for future progress. I'm not doing this for the sake of writing. I'm in the process of tweaking my squat technique from battling with excessive kyphosis. I have taken some time off. . Hopefully, a few people will follow who are much smarter than me.

Any training journal needs to start off with the objective. It would only make sense that a serious athlete has an objective in his mind that he is training for. My objective, left more vague than my goals, is to get strong, mobile, and to potentially do a few fights in the future. And when I fight, I want to possess a very serious knock out strike. I'm a perfectionist, and I must be ready or else it's a no go for me. My goals are attainable and tangible, but I will take some dedication and time.

Body type: Ectomorphic, developing mesomorphic attributes. Good arms and leg lengths. No measurements recorded as of yet. Long arms, long legs and a slight hunched over position do to kyphosis. Slim appearance that needs to be changed to some extent. Weight at 190lbs. Will get pictures

My strength novice goals are the following

320lbs 3 sets of 5 low bar squat
405lbs dead-lift 5 rep
230lbs bench press 3 sets of 5
140lbs Overhead press 3 sets of 5
205lbs Power Clean 5 by 3
weight of 220lbs.

Conditioning current
Improve wall slide shoulder stretch by getting arms parallel with shoulders
Attain Front split

Martial arts goals current
Orange belt Karate

My method of attack will be to train for the belt test coming in January. Work squat form with moderate weight and reps. Work on thoracic extension in all my lifts.
Get back on SS and milk it out possibly switching to a program to help my upper body goals. I am very close to hitting most of my goals at the moment.

A more in detail program will be developed tomorrow addressing everything.